You can now add secure assets that will permit access to files only for select members, which will require them using Face ID or entering their device passcode. Once the selected member inserts their passcode, they will see the files sent to them. Please note this is only available for group chats or projects with more than 2 members.
- Select a project and click on the chat tab.
- Click on the blue plus sign ‘+’ on the bottom left of the screen.
- Select any type of file that you would like to send.
4. Once selected, click on the gear on the top right of the screen.
5. Enable Secure Assets and choose between All or Selected
6. Click on the check mark to confirm the secure asset.
7. Once done, click the blue arrow on the bottom right.
You will now be able to see a lock on the file and won't be able to access it until the person verifies.